Lesson 82: Review: “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.” “Let me not forget my function.”
This lesson says, “Through my forgiveness I can see this as it is.” We learn in the Course that forgiveness is the way to change our consciousness. The world generally seems to have a view that forgiveness is just like any other common behavior. We do it and then something happens, then we modify what we do by getting prompts and following them about how to proceed. The world thinks that forgiveness is just your run of the mill, every day little part of human interpersonal dynamics. The world doesn’t deem forgiveness any spectacular part of our activity list.
The world generally makes forgiveness the last resort option in trying situations where we have to do something to try to improve a situation that we perceive has gone awry. We forgive it often if we don’t know what else to do, or often in the last case scenario when nothing else works.
The Course however, says apply forgiveness across the board.
We want to preserve and blend forgiveness into all circumstances.
The world’s forgiveness is always with the emotional backlash of the range of unpleasant ones that forgiveness includes.
However, the Course teaches us a way to bring a certain kind of forgiveness that heals each situation. The Course’s forgiveness reminds us how to accept with non judgment. When we forgive what we see this means we necessarily let go of any inner push that the situation be other than it is.
We reach a place of inner calm and ease because we are giving the whole lot of the word’s scenarios a heavy and complete dose of forgiveness.
This idea of forgiveness is totally different in the Course’s view. Forgiveness here allows us to feel comfortable, we rally and feel certain in our welcome of the world’s chain of events, and not reactive to what we see. The world always judges and makes everything a problem. Therefore, in our worldly time, we have to repeatedly make the time and effort to heal these situations once we believe that one has gone awry. We then are undoubtedly stressed because we think the situation is lacking in some way as the world appraises it this way.
The Course’s forgiveness allows us to stay grounded in our minds of accepting and loving what we see. When we judge something it means we are rejecting it internally. When we judge we put up attack thoughts and get angry at what we see because we view it as letting us down. This means we will stew in our resentment until we remember to forgive. The Course says we must simply have compassion for what we see without a moment of inner struggle about what we perceive as bad or lacking. We are taught to use forgiveness as the absolute only tool to meet the world’s insanity and difficulty.
When forgiveness is fully enforced in our minds, our hearts and minds become totally clear of any amount of attack thought we may have had when we judged. Forgiveness is the key to simply getting a different outcome than the one we made withe ego.
Forgiveness is God’s way of showing us how to apply God’s Love into the world’s situations.
Since they are all lacking in some way because they are not inherently of God, this means we have to forgive them. We have to forgive them all because this is all a place where God was not originally. God can give us His Love and He does when we simply tune into His energy and mentality. And God gives us forgiveness which is the direct route to undoing our blocks to Love’s presence in the world.
Forgiveness is the way we make every situation holy and perfect because we meet the worldly situation with all the Love of God that the situation needs to be redone into a sane part of our curriculum.
This is why we have to learn to understand that God’s forgiveness is a picture of our happy dream in the world. We learn to give the world all the forgiveness it needs. If it seems like it is calling for forgiveness in some way, show up and extend forgiveness. This is the way to heal situations that look like a call of Love. We need to be sure that we forgive first the situation and ourselves and the other people. Everyone needs a round of forgiveness first. Then we can proceed to whatever action we feel called to do. Just understand that forgiveness is the direct way to resolve whatever the seeming conflict appears to be.