Lesson 115 Laurie’s Reflections

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lesson 115: Review: “Salvation is my only function here.”  “My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.”

This lesson says, “My function is to forgive the world for all the errors I have made.”  The Course teaches that the world is simply a reflection and manifestation of our thoughts.  This may seem shocking that the world is simply our thoughts reflected back to us.  In fact, we are making the world.  That can seem distressing because the world seems to be filled with a lot of struggle and distress.  What we can do is forgive ourselves for making a state of the world as a picture of attack.

And we can forgive our brothers and sisters for playing their part in and contributing to the illusion we see.  But what is so important is that we realize that we are the ones making the problems we see.  And we, with the love of God as forgiveness, can be the ones to heal it.  This is why we have to be willing to play our part.  We need to meet the world with a feeling of surrender and not believe in its reality more than the fact that we created it.

It can seem shocking that we are seeing our own error in the world.  What we need to do is not get upset about it or have lots of judgement about how and why we do this.  Sit with a neutral heart, and know it, understand it, and stop perpetuating the illusion.  When we realize that forgiveness completely undoes our error and thus completely undoes our attachment to the world, this is the first step to stop creating any nightmare in the world we see.


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