Sunday, April 26, 2015

Lesson 116: Review: “God’s will for me is perfect happiness.” “I share God’s Will for happiness for me.”

The Course teaches us that we are entitled to perfect happiness.  That’s not just a little, or sometimes.  It’s not when we get around to it.  God says happiness is ours all the time because that is what “perfect” is.  We are entitled to the most extraordinary happiness because God is benevolent and loves us without measure.  God says happiness is our right.  God even says happiness is the purpose God gave us.

A lot of people feel unsure what they would consider their purpose in life.  Some people feel that a purpose should be some extra special commitment to taking action in the world that contributes to world peace or to saving the earth.  Lots of people at some time in life do some activity to make the world a saner place to live.  The Course asks us to go just a step back before the action and start with the feeling that precedes the action.  Connect with this intention to bring peace to the world through our experience of happiness.

This is the most important thing we can ever do in the purpose of saving the world and creating peace here.  Happiness is one expression of love.  And when we allow ourselves to be happy, we carry an energy that is perfectly healing, and alway the direct cause of peace.  When we sit in that feeling, this expression of light, we connect with God energy and we can bring peace to the masses even if they aren’t currently tuning into this joy.  People feel our energy and this is the way to spread and live peace.  Peace is the natural outcome of this willingness to tune into this lovely healing way of living in the world.


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