Lesson 202 Laurie’s Reflections

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lesson 202: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.” “I will be still an instant and go home.”

We are given this amazing opportunity to reconnect with our insides.  We are taught in the Course to get quiet.  We close our mouths, we settle into our body, and we feel the stillness within.  This action is a method of reshaping our sense of peace and reshaping our minds to retreat from any old habit we have of being overly busy or overly active when we miss what is in truth happening in our hearts.  The Course teaches us that we have a way out of the insanity.  And no gift is more valuable to our quality of life.  This means everything to us.

We simply need to make a groove in our mindful practice of including this move into stillness.  We may not be good at doing this or it may seem way over the top and far beyond the scope of what we can manage.  This doesn’t matter.  We may topple over because we have no sense of how to approach this integration of the activity of peace.  Doesn’t matter if it feels incredibly hard.  What matters is that we stand up and begin anyway and then forgive ourselves in the process.  Once we bring forgiveness to our hearts then whatever seemed impossible to accomplish just begins to feel like a much lighter load.  And eventually it becomes light as a feather when we realize it has always been easy.

What we want to do is go home to God’s mentality.  The beauty is that our home is not a physical spot on the map.  We can’t park our shoes there.  The home that matters truly is God’s home.  The home where we always feel calm and peaceful.  The place where we always feel grateful for our vast fortune of abundant joy.  This home is where we feel gentle within and we radiate this to ourselves and to all others.  This feeling is what is most valuable to our lives.

This is the home we can carry with us always.  This is the surest way to a sense of safety and certainty because this home is the feeling that gives us a lasting sense of peace.  Further, this peace that carries over to ever circumstance.  Doesn’t matter where the exterior seems to lead us- all appearances are just temporary resting places for our bodies.  They mean nothing in the eternal existence of God and His home that is only energy in truth.


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