Lesson 345: “What is a Miracle?” “I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me.”
This lesson reminds us that the world is just tired.
When we see it there with insanity everywhere, people falling apart emotionally and physically, decaying, having melt downs, having the most agonizing of problems, we see this readily because it is true in the world.
The world appears to be a sorry place, an angry place, and a fearful place- all at once.
We seem to not be able to escape the wheel of perpetual torture in the form of our guilt with a vengeance.
When we see the world, we are inundated with messages of shame, disease, and suffering beyond what we can manage with in our ego’s limited coping strategies.
When we let the ego do the ego’s thing, we end up with nothing but more of the nightmare reflected back to us because we don’t know how to be open to seeing something else.
We perpetuate the same old thing and we suffer.
But the Course reminds us that this is all simply the world’s cry for help.
When we are there with our ego’s thinking, we just seem to believe the world is acting out at us. The world and all in it are out to get us- it seems such a fierce place with none other than dangerous pathways.
This seems quite dismal to think this is our only option.
The Course reminds us the world is simply tired. When we see attack from the world coming our way because the ego perceives it all that way, we want to run and hide from dealing with it. We are reminded that the world is not angry at us and punishing us; it is rather tired. The world has need for Love.
The world wants us to show up and bring Love because we can.
When we get tired from the world’s happenings, just trust that God has every bit of strength to contribute to our energy reserves, and we don’t have to bring the miracle alone.
Therefore, we can go to the world, without hesitation, and bring Love. The world is not being mean to us, it simply is exhausted from lack of Love and thus, starts to act out in ways to get our attention.