Saturday, December 26, 2015
Lesson 360: “What am I?” “Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.”
We are all in integral part of the solution. When we are looking to save the world it includes all of us. We all are perfect drops of the ocean and we are created together in a blessed and sacred whole from which we can identify and from which we can draw to bolster our existence.
We simply need to remember that we as individuals are all an essential part of the plan. We all have unique roles we play in the choreography of God’s dance. Our role may and will include specific ways that we can each contribute to the awakening of the world. This is something we can look forward to and cherish and thoroughly enjoy. This is what makes our lives and makes us special, in our own individual way. The world is blessed because we are gifted with our contributions that can be given and shared only by us as the unique people we are.
This is why God’s plan is extraordinary, because everyone plays a part in creating our collective salvation. We can celebrate each other and our own special paths because this is the highest calling we each have in this human life. When we show up to do God’s work this is the happiest path and most fulfilling that we have ever known and are amazingly blessed to give to the Sonship as a whole.
We just have to understand that the only reason we are here on earth is to remember we never left God’s mind. We simply must settle into our easy peaceful way that allows us to be in our highest vibration and highest level of functioning while we traverse in our paths. Our connection with God is the only thing that will endlessly make us happy and it is the only thing that gives us solid ground in the foundation of our life goals here. We have to understand that our path is unique for us but it also perfectly aligns with what God is doing in our highest purpose of calling us back to our reminder of certainty.