Lesson 76: I am under no laws but God’ ’s.:

This lesson says that we can trust that God is Present and infinitely responsible for us;  God is our Parent and will care for and protect us.

God is our Benefactor, so we will instantly and constantly have God’s favor in life because this is the way of our Parents, available and capable of doing all things that support us.

In life, we have God’s Laws which are very different than the ego’s or the world where we can find the ego. The world’s laws say we must do certain things to keep us living, like shelter, clothing, and food.

So the ego gets carried away and attached to the things we need to have to stay alive, so the ego gets an attitude generally. 

Knowing that the Course teaches that God in the world has His very own laws and the laws of the world are contrary to God’s laws, I appreciate that because I believe less in the rules of life in the world because the Course says that God has His very own set of laws.

Therefore, I gave less faith in the world’s laws being valid because I knew that the world’s rules were unreal.

This knowledge helps me not get upset at the world and not stress about what occurs there, which may lead me to upset. So that helps me hold less attachment to the world, so I do not give it the credence for being valid. 

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski


Licensed Acupuncture 


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