Laurie’s Positive Points: “Be the star of our own show.” It turns out that we are responsible for the world we see. We actually project out into the world our thinking, and it manifests physically before us. That means every last detail of our attitudes and our thinking… This...
Laurie’s Positive Points: Be the Star of our own show…
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, And then let our feelings go once they have been heard with kindness, Being responsible for the world can suck if we let it because it feels like way too much to change the insanity of the wold all by our lonesome selves., Give everything permissi0on to be expressed from within our hearts and minds, Just remember that whatever we are doing= add the DELIGHTFUL FACTOR to everything, This reality is disturbing if we allow the responsibility of it to weigh heavily upon us!, We actually project our thinking onto the world and it manifests physically before us, We just want to be the best person we can be for ourselves and for God-we want to be our higher Selves that we share with God and all humankind, We want to feel the feelings we have and honor them, 0