Laurie’s Positive Points: Positivity I remember first noting the challenge of heavy and dense negativity when I was younger. Sometimes I had to ask my family members who were being extra negative to remember to speak of positives. I felt so much better when I immersed myself with other...
Laurie’s Positive Points: Positivity
Laurie Prez, , Positive Points, I felt so much better when I immersed myself with other people around me who are committed to talking positively, I remember first noting the challenge of heavy- dense negativity when I was younger, If they get upset at us we need to forgive ourselves and forgive them for their attack energy thrust toward us, Sometimes I had to ask my family members who were being extra negative to remember to speak of positives, Sometimes our tribe members may not talk positively regularly- so it is new or different for someone with whom we relate but it is worth looking for and asking our loved ones to do this, Sometimes people are very much attached to their lives and may be distraught if we ask them to change, 0