Lesson 95: “I am one Self, united with my Creator.” This lesson reminds us, “”This tolerance for weakness will enable us to overlook it, rather than give it power to delay our learning.” The whole purpose of the Course is to get to the place of truly experiencing it-...
ACIM Lesson 95
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, If we don't forgive and then start again, The Course even says at the end- to throw the book away- because words are not necessary in the end- go to the feeling of love, the ego will have further fuel to goa us on to reject God's teaching because we are laden with guilt., The whole purpose of the Course is to get to truly experiencing it- not just to have it as a mental notion only, We need to forgive this ego tactic of throwing us off track., We want to get to the place of Knowledge- at the right hand of God- and feel God's holy Presence., 0