Lesson 357: “What am I?” “Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles and then responding unto us to be itself.” What am I? says, “We look on everyone as a brother and perceive all things as kindly and good.” The Course says we need...
Miracles Lesson 357
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, Our ego likes to complain so we hear our own spewing out judgment because our egos like to listen to themselves, Our egos complaints drive us crazy and make us miserable so we want to avoid getting into this position.., The Course reminds us to keep looking at the places we need healing so we stop suffering., The Course says we need to heal our relationships with our bothers and sisters- it is such a regular part of life that we get critical and judgmental especially our bothers and sister., We look on everyone as a. brother and see all things as kindly and good., 0