Lesson 357: “What am I?” “Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles and then responding unto us to be itself.”

What am I? says, “We look on everyone as a brother and perceive all things as kindly and good.”

The Course says we need to heal our relationships with our brothers and sisters. It is such a regular part of life that we get critical and judgmental of everything, especially our brothers and sisters.

The ego likes to complain, so we hear our own spewing out judgments because our egos love to listen to themselves.

The Course says that we need to step up and heal our relationships because we need to heal all of the attack energy we find in our thinking.

The Course reminds us to keep looking at the places we need healing, so we stop suffering.

Our ego’s complaints drive us crazy and make us miserable, so we want to avoid getting into this position.  

The Course says that we go hand in hand to Heaven with all of our brothers and sisters, so we want to heal our relationships with them and do not have any reservations whatsoever about doing this.

When we are not at peace with them, we automatically resist joining them. Whenever we fight, we are putting out a massive NO to the Universe, and when we do, we block access to God’s Love, so this is heartbreaking to have no access to God’s Love.

We need to remind ourselves of what will make us truly happy, so healing our minds is the best way to remember we never lost access to God within our minds. Our task is to show up and do this.

The Course says that our only problem is our separation from God. The Course says that this never happened. We must remind ourselves that the worst of the illusion of losing God is false.

So we must remind ourselves that this single problem our egos convince us that it is a problem. The Course says that since the separation never happened, we do not even need to listen to our egos complaining.

Since the separation never occurred, this means we have no problems at all. We must remember to perceive the world and life there from the perspective that we have no problems because it is true.

And when we carry this knowledge with us, we will be consistently happy, so this is a total miracle we learn in the Course.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture 


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