Laurie’s Positive Points: Make friends with everything.

Laurie’s Positive Points: Make friends with everything.  

We need to invite everything outside of us and welcome it in.

We need to invite everything into our lives so that we do not harbor any resistance throughout life when we are interacting in our days.

We need to approach everything. Pushing things away is resistance, so we must watch and catch ourselves the moment we resist anything we encounter.

As soon as we do, we need to exert effort not to go down the dangerous path of resistance, which always throws us off base.

When we resist, we do not invite anything in with kindness and welcome, so we need never find ourselves pushing things away.

When we do, we block the flow of God’s  Love because we are not committed to bringing openness within and end up hating God’s Love and Presence.

So this is something we never want to do because when we block the flow of God’s Essence via Love. We put ourselves into a precarious [position because we can no longer feel God’s Essence and Energy because we have forgotten it is always with us. 

We need to remind ourselves to allow God’s Love and Presence to be within us in a position where we can access them, so we end up with true abundance because we call in God’s Love and Presence.

God’s Love and Presence are always with us. We forget to remember that God is always with us. So our task is to remind ourselves of the truth that God is always with us.

All Love, 


Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture 


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