Lesson 88: “The light has come.” “I am under no laws but God’s.” This lesson reminds us the following: “The light in you is all I would see.” There is a simple theory in the Course, which we are asked to blend in our thinking and behavior. We are...
ACIM Lesson 88
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, The Course reminds us to love our brothers and sisters with an open heart, The ego adores separation from God and others so goes out of its way to make this happen including making up stories about others so we will reject them, We are asked to love people with whatever qualities they may have, We are blinded by the egos inability to perceive the truth about others, We are invited to end the seeming (illusory)) separation from God and just see we can, We are reminded to forgive what gives us reason to not be close, 0