Miracles Lesson 55:” I am determined to see things differently.” “What is see is a form of vengeance.” “I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.” “I do not perceive my own best interests.” “I do not know what anything is for.” This lesson says, “My...
Miracles Lesson 55
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, Addictions happen when we allow our inner demand energy to predominate, Even though the world it unreal so do not get upset when we see calls for Love, I love that it is so simple to solve any of our distressing experiences of the world ., If we take time to pay attention to the world when we encounter it it makes all easy- fun-and pleasurable, Walking with God's lenss- we see the world as miraculous pictures of ease and abundance., 0