Miracles Lesson 55:” I am determined to see things differently.” “What is see is a form of vengeance.” “I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.” “I do not perceive my own best interests.” “I do not know what anything is for.”
This lesson says, “My own attack thoughts give rise to this picture. My own loving thoughts will save me from this perception of the world and give me the peace God intended me to have.”
I love that it is so simple to solve any of our distressing experiences of the world.
When we perceive the world with our own attack energy perceiving it, the Course reminds us that God’s Love I can use instead to have as a filter of the world so that all of my worldly perceptions get refilled with Light and fun and Love.
If we take the time to pay attention to the world when we encounter it, it makes all easy, fun, and pleasurable.
Walking with God’s lens, we see the world as miraculous pictures of ease and abundance.
We must forgive the world for being calls for Love. We always tend to be upset at the world, and the Course says we can have a much easier time about the world coming to the world with a lens of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is the closest way we can get to God because God specifically gave us forgiveness so we can carry a form of Love which is forgiveness, to all we encounter in the world, so we do not get chagrined about the world but rather approach it with ease.
When we bring God’s Love to fear or calls of Love in the world, then when we get Love and then all is well.
Remember that the world is not real, so we need not get upset when there are calls for Love. So knowing the world is not real allows us to take a very gentle touch to the world.
And then the world’s unreality gives us the knowledge of an additional boundary and something that protects us while we go so we get to enjoy living in the world.
Even though the world is unreal, one thing we need to do is to really embrace the world. Our egos love to complain about the world, and there are calls for Love that can cause us upset.
But we must remember to enjoy and truly participate while alive so we can do things with passion and purpose we can. Live fully and cherish every moment because God gifts us with life. So make sure to be serious about having fun and show up and be there while alive.
All Love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncture