Lesson 319: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “I came for the salivation of the world.”

This lesson says, “Here is a thought from which all arrogance has been removed and only truth remains.”  

The Course is teaching us how to accept our grandeur.

The Course teaches of grandiosity- of the ego- and is that shallow sense of arrogance that the ego is fond of.  Here, we find ourselves feeling incorrectly inflated.

The grandiosity gives us a totally false sense of confidence because it is based on ego energy which is of scarcity.  

Therefore we never feel powerful when we are in a mind of grandiosity.  This is strictly the dregs of our minds.  Grandiosity doesn’t make us feel self assured and confident to face what needs to be proactively modified in the world.

The Course reminds us of our grandeur.  This is the feeling that we know that God loves us.

It also is when we remember we ourselves are lovable so we can feel like powerful people. 

Our grandeur is the feeling that we are worthy of everything that is good and healthy and wonderful because God cares that we are stable in the certainty of our minds. 

We can live well and happily in this state.

We know that our grandeur has not a hint of arrogance in it. 

Jesus teaches us that we can just sit and know we are totally loved by God and therefore we can feel  amazing because it is true.

This means that there is simply no need whatsoever for a hint of arrogance that God chose us as His children and chose us to live in our own salvation. 

God decided that this is the way things are.  This means we can sit in our grandeur and enjoy that God deems us worthy of being called to save the world and save ourselves because God wants this for us.

Just remember the ego needs to prop itself up on something because the ego feels so low and dejected.

This is why the ego makes arrogance part of its typical attitude.  We are learning to remove this from our feelings of self worth because this arrogance- grandiosity- of the ego- is simply a call for help.

The ego feels badly about itself so we try to feign confidence in the act of being especially arrogant.  

This means we just need to tune out of this ego mantra of grandiosity and sit in the quiet confidence of God’s certainty. 

This is the way we can function optimally- through a light and totally strong energy of God’s Love as the basis of our confidence.

  We just have to remember not to let the ego’s arrogance give us cause to forget our grandeur- God’s perfect approach to everything.


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