Lesson 215 Laurie’s Reflections

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lesson 215: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.” “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”

The world can always use more gratitude.  We can always use more gratitude along with all those who walk this life with us.  The gratitude is just that simple nod of acknowledgement and a heart of thanks to the world we engage with.  Gratitude doesn’t have to be an overt gesture.  We don’t have to run out and buy a bunch of gratitude cards to send if we don’t feel called to do so.

Gratitude can be just the simple knowing that what we have been presented with in the world or from God or other people is absolutely top notch and gives us great joy.  We don’t have to have a whole ceremony around our thanks if we don’t get to it.  Just be willing to show up and offer some moment of our mind energy that simply sits in gratitude.  We can say thank you if that feels good or we can just sit in the amazing energy of gratitude and know within that whatever we received- the gift has given us a blessing beyond measure.

And we can stay in touch with our gratitude all day long.  It may seem like a natural part of how we live each day.  But if you aren’t currently sitting regularly in a day to day gratitude, pray to God and ask for guidance about how get flooded with our sense of gratitude and then ask what is the best way to share how we feel.  The Holy Spirit can direct us whether speaking is the way to communicate the amazing experience of this uplifting sense of gratitude.  Or it can be a simple inner wish toward the other person of thanks for sharing such incredible gifts.

The gifts can be anything that we experience in life- for the endless help and support we get physically or the emotional pieces that our brothers and sisters share with us.  Or it could be just for the energy of God that we are receiving.  If we are having a hard time regularly communicating about our gratitude, this may be because we have blocks inside to understanding how fortunate we are in this life.  Our egos can be quick to complain- we may lose sight of gratitude if we are battling the the ego for the floor of our minds.  Trust that God can help us to connect with this gratitude even if we are presently not associating with it regularly.

We just have to understand how extraordinary our lives will be if we feel gratitude about everything.  Because this is such a high experience, walking around feeling the love within us and extending it outward, we will automatically have an exceptional life experience.  Just realize this is worth the extra effort it takes to get to the place where we can live in our gratitude always.     Just be willing to stay at the task.


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