1-12-15 Lesson 12 Laurie’s Reflections

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lesson 12: “I am upset because I see a meaningless world.”

In this lesson, it cuts right through to the reality of what our ego does.  We learned in yesterday’s lesson that we are having meaningless thoughts and they are the cornerstone of our meaningless world.  Our meaningless world is a consequence of this foolish stance. We come to realize that when we accept that our thoughts are purely senseless then it takes away the charge to the emotions we feel about the meaningless world.  We realize that our thoughts have no meaning.  This is the way to undo our suffering over whatever we perceive to be happening.

We have established that the world is meaningless and our thoughts are meaningless because they are all based on past thoughts which are no longer true.  It isn’t the current experience of whatever we see.  The Course wants us to take this to heart that we are operating from a system of thought that has no credibility.  It is all no longer true information that we accumulate from what we see.

The ego does a number on us because it actually goes to the extent of getting upset about what we see which we have just established has no validity.  This is insane to the Nth degree.  Doesn’t get any crazier.  If we were dealing with our young children who came to us with this same story of faulty reasoning, we would most certainly inform them that they don’t follow logic in such a scenario.

This is what Jesus in the Course is doing for us.  He is simply spelling out our error and helping us backtrack into the mindset  where we recognize with certainty that the emotional surges we have are based on what is not true.  We are asked to simply know how wrong we got it.  Don’t hesitate for a moment to correct this error in perception.  And then forgive ourselves for losing the alignment with God’s certainty, and be grateful God is eagerly anticipating our moment of remembering our truth.


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