Lesson 309: “What is the Second Coming?”  “I will not fear to look within today.”

The Course invites us to have a healthy and harmonious relationship with ourselves first.  

We do it with ourselves and with God, and, then, doing it with everyone else is easy because we have some examples of what works and we can emulate them.  

The Course is reminding us to pay close attention to what is going on in our own minds first.

The ego generally makes us feel numb in the process of remembering to notice what is within us. 

The ego is afraid of looking at whatever is inside of us because the ego believes falsely- that from criticism we encounter will somehow energetically or emotionally cause us to get smaller.  

When we have people or ourselves tearing us down, it can be hard to believe that truly we are unscathed in this discovery process.

This is why the ego immediately shuts us down emotionally because of that crazy fear it has, that in looking, we will be annihilated in the process.

God wants us to see what we find inside of us, learn about it, and then, promptly, let it go. 

We see it, evaluate it, and then erase it from our memory as if it never occurred in the first place, so that no part of us is affected negatively even the slightest bit.  

This is why it works when we look within with the Holy Spirit, and thus, we can trust that God will take care of seeing it for what it is, and then releasing it from our minds.

We want to have no fear within because when the ego takes the reins off and on, the ego gradually and systematically denies most fear.  Or, most emotional stuff it distorts.

This is why we can all count on at times finding that fear has accumulated within us, and we all need to keep looking at it. 

It will need to be processed because it is there, and if we don’t this-  this is primarily how the blocks to love’s presence get formed. 

Our egos want to avoid looking because they are afraid of being torn down in some way.

The Course gives us the answer to that fear we all run across.

We can look at it with God where we know we are certain of our Godly perfection, and thus, there is simply no way this can be altered in any way- no matter what kinds of fear or emotional blocks we accumulate. 

This allows the fear to be simply, cleanly processed- where it no longer energetically leaves an imprint within our minds because God declared it to be unreal. 

Then, we can process fear comfortably and eagerly instead.  We can process it thoroughly with no resistance.


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