Saturday, August 8, 2015
Lesson 220: Review: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “There is no peace except the peace of God.”
“Let me not wander from the way of peace,” this lesson says. Peace is meant to be ours always. The world has an agenda that is far, far different from the simple way of peace. Jesus is teaching us that with His guidance we can also find peace as the true and lasting quality of our lives. All we have to do is be willing to choose the path of God. When we select God’s peace then we have the exact ingredient that absolutely makes the picture perfect. This ingredient of God is going to be the fixer every time.
God always works for us to tip the scales into our favor. With God there are no scales at all. Our worldly comparisons don’t even do justice to the extraordinary nature of God and God’s essence that we are asked to follow and emulate. This is the answer to every sorrowful heart. The only reason we don’t follow through on making sure that we get the peace of God and nothing else is because the peace of God seems to the like a stretch to reach.
The ego says- we can just settle for peace in our pizza instead. This is the true tragedy because we so often find or try to find something in the world that will result in our sense of contentment. But the world is filled with major disappointment- the peace never comes no matter how many times we try to ingest that pizza. It still means nothing in the grand scheme of things because our finding peace in anything other than God is a falsehood.
We don’t have to be religious necessarily to accept God as the sole provider of our peace. We don’t have to get the goods of God through our local priest. We can even be an atheist. We just need to be willing to hold the understanding that there is something else besides our egos that is a way more suitable guide. This is the way we get to God’s peace when we accept that God is not only completely capable to care for our whole selves but also is the only one capable of giving us the great gift of peace. Don’t try to look anywhere else.
And if we have some aversion to a god figure in general just know that we simply need to connect with the energy of God to create our peace. If it helps we can forgive that we need to call upon God for the source of our peace. If we have issues around surrendering power to some other being that ourselves, know that this God figure is our Higher Selves. We don’t have to feel powerless in the serenity of joining with God energy and surrendering our ego’s control.
Know that this is simply an act to get us home to the energy of this amazing Being (God). Understand that giving over our power of our ego to a Higher Power is a way to be open for the next most amazing experience of peace. I think of this as not becoming less because we are relying on God for this, but just understand what we are giving up (our ego) is not what we usually think is pleasant. Know that what God- our Higher Self- is giving us is the magic and miracle of living in the moment with a peaceful heart. This is the end of our nightmare when we let go of that ego neediness.