Saturday, March 21, 2015

Lesson 80: “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”

This is the most extraordinary gift for our hearts.  There is nothing we have to hold out for.  There is nothing to just sit with- such as the sinking hope that somehow resolution will come.  We don’t have to pray with a heavy heart because God is never going to answer us.  This is what the ego says and it fills our minds with deep anguish and pain.  We don’t have to believe that our hearts will never be healed because God is not the benevolent sort.

Whatever our ego feeds us, we have to stand up and say, “You are wrong.”  The Course teaches us that our only problem is that we happen to think something is wrong.  This is amazing.  The only problem is a mistaken perception in our mind.  There is no struggle out there, in here or anywhere we might project a reality.  It all is false because it is not the truth of anything in the Universe of God- which is always certain, easy and comes with no inkling of struggle.

This lesson is a sure gift of peace.  Yesterday we practiced recognizing and bringing to light our problems so nothing was left unturned and unattended to.  Now, we have mustered the courage to face what may be deeply buried within.  The next step is to simply then realize that the problem never existed in the first place. The truth was rather that everything has been adequately and perfectly resolved without our even lifting a finger in effort.

When we understand that nothing was wrong in the first place we can then feel how it feels to have no problem at all.  This is how God teaches us to live, in the certainty that we never suffered a moment of any disconcerting feeling.  It all was a mistake and error.  This is the best and quickest way to peace because all of our feeling that something is awry within our hearts gets cast out immediately when we see in fact the truth of this “problem’s” unreality.  We see it as not real because we now know that it could have never occurred in God’s perfect and benevolent Universe.

We are asked to approach our lives and our problems, every last detail of our lives with this inner knowing that our only problem has been eternally and completely solved.  It puts us in this sweet and total certainty where we feel confident, healthy, balanced and grateful because we know deep within that this is the truth of what’s happening.  We also radiate this energy because we feel it.

Then we stop feeling like any of the world’s problems are of any consequence because everything seems easy and perfectly approachable.  Then, we bring this feeling of God’s certainty to all of our tasks.  This is why we are asked to take this awareness step within, so we shift our energy.  Then our deep intention changes.  We still meet the world wanting to behave proactively and face what occurs.  But now we bring this energy of power because it carries God’s certainty.  Therefore, whatever we do now carries the unstoppable and forgiving energy of our Maker.


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