2-6-15 Lesson 37 Laurie’s Reflections

Friday, February 6, 2015

Lesson 37: “My holiness blesses the world.”

Hard to believe that the world can be saved.  We are used to chalking the world up to a perpetual problem.  We are used to not giving the world a second thought because we think it is past redemption.  We often just sit in wonder of how ill fitted it is for us to live in.

The Course is teaching us that even if the world isn’t going to be God’s home in the grand scheme of things, it still can be used for God’s purpose.  We can be the instruments of God’s purpose and bring love to the masses on the earth.   The way we do that is to be willing participants in extending love.  We can be the ones who bless the world because we are the bringers of God’s light.

All we have to do is love wholeheartedly and allow forgiveness to be our only song.  Then each step we take brings higher awareness and acceptance with the common folk.  We can be the ender of illusions and teach people how to heal themselves and each other because wholeness is the destiny of all.   All we have to do is be willing to play our part.  We have to heal our own attraction to insanity and instead choose the constant joy and peace of our Maker.

This can be the hardest decision to make just because it goes contrary to what our egos have been telling us all along.  Even though it may seem on the surface, like an obvious and easy choice, we have to have compassion for ourselves because the ego just likes to replay the old song of disquiet and discomfort.

We have to let the reality of our own perfection be fully registered.  The problem is simply that we forget to know the gift we bring energetically to the world.  When we live within the mentality of this truth, then we can rest in and operate from our certainty and the truth of our holiness.  This then saves the world, because it is showered with the energy of healing.  And the whole lot can find peace there because the total get fully healed with the loving energy.


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