Lesson 322: “What is Creation?”  “I can give up what was never real.”

The Course is teaching us how to remove and readjust the importance of the world. 

The world draws us in a dramatic way.  We can barely contain ourselves sometimes.  Sometimes we love very clearly and strongly in the world and just sit in the bliss of that love that feels so real and potent.

But sometimes the world’s draw is more about obsession and attachment. 

Sometimes we have unhealthy and unhelpful pulls to the world.

Often, we do all we can to be engaged very intensely with that world’s attraction that draws us so because it feels good in a powerful way.

We are learning how to give the world to God.  God takes the world and purifies our love.  Therefore, God shows up to heal any love we encounter in the world.

When we are loving something in the world that feels really pure and natural then God just sits and smiles at our incredible creation of a powerful love connection between us and the other thing or person.

However sometimes we have these pulls and attractions in the world that destabilize us. 

When that love or pull becomes so powerful it knocks us off balance or off center, this means this love needs to feel the purpose of God with it.

When we find this attraction in the world that gets us off track from the healthy, centered experience we need to give it to God to be modified.  

God will take that love and bring all the perfection of God’s energy and God’s Will.

When these are combined we are left with a wholly pure love that feeds us in the deepest way ever and also allows us to live in a continually centered way.

When we allow God to be included then that attraction that pulls us off balance now gets rooted with the energy of God which is always rooted and secure because everything about God’s true Love is in the realm of safety. 

There is nothing that can go wrong when we allow God to be part of what we feel.  This is why it is well worth giving these kinds of things to God.

The Course teaches us to just make this special love a gift for God and then God purifies it and gives it right back.  The ego believes in scarcity and always worries whether its love objects will be removed when we release them to God.  But the beautiful thing is that God only brings healed energy.

God will not take that love from us unless it is not meant to be ours. 

Therefore, we can readily give this obsessive love to God because God wants us to enjoy what we enjoy in the world.

We just need to give God the permission to clarify whether it is good for us to love this particular thing or person. 

And even if that love gets shifted in some way, we can still love and appreciate it from a distance if necessary.

Or, we can just stay totally excited about the love while we know that however God shapes this love for us in the purification process is exactly as we would want for ourselves if we know what is the best for us. 

This is how we can feel that love for the thing with intense attraction in a way that is healed and feeds us on a deeper level.


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