Friday, May 1, 2015

Lesson 121: “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

What we are asked to do is make forgiveness be our sole mode of action.  We are asked to make forgiveness our mantra.  We are invited to forgive each step of every day.  The ego is so quick to judge, even if it is just internally.  We may not even verbalize this barrage of judgement but so often the ego just makes this a steady march of displeasure the whole time we live.  This is why we must make it an absolute habit.  Don’t let a moment go by where we have lost the connection with forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the miracle that makes us ease off of the crazy judgement.

When we forgive we make the willingness to see things differently.  Our willingness is what is needed to bring us to the miracle of forgiveness.  All we need is to play our part.  We may not be able to always find the willingness, but Jesus teaches us in the Course that all we need is the smallest amount  of willingness. We don’t have to show up with a big plan to change things.  We can let forgiveness seem big or small to us.

When we have the willingness to forgive, this miracle is infinitesimally huge.  We may not think our willingness to forgive is even noticeable but in the end all miracles and any willingness to shift out of the insanity is a substantial step.  It all matters profoundly.  We just have to trust that our willingness to forgive is the mountain of certainty we need to forgive all and live in peace.

When we forgive this is our willingness to get out of the way.  What happens when we don’t or won’t forgive is that this blocks the flow to love and happiness so the out picturing of our lives seems a nightmare.  When we won’t forgive, we want our pain and self righteousness to be the primary perspective.  This is why we are asked to make forgiveness the constant we apply all day long.

Forgive, forgive, forgive no matter what happens.

Doesn’t matter how attached we may feel to reliving the story about what happens when we feel attacked- it can feel real.  What we need to do is forgive this picture and know that our happiness is the result of letting go of this picturing of our minds.  Happiness comes when we stand in the hand of God with no resentment or guilt about the illusion because we have forgiven it all.


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