Lesson 316: “What is the Last Judgement?” “All gifts I give my brothers are my own.”
This lesson says, “Yet I trust You Who gave them to me will provide the means by which I can behold them, see their worth, and cherish them as only I want.”
Trusting in God can be absolutely a daunting task when we are not used to it.
We may very much struggle when it comes to our faith. We are asked to let God help us and trust He will when we ask for help.
This is a huge deal because we all have our own individual challenges when we try to do this.
Trusting God is the only way to heal truly.
When we are human we have an infinite number of challenges that come up in our daily activities. This is par for the course of our lives.
We are asked to not judge whatever we find in the maze of life.
It all works well when we give God permission to write our story.
The ego likes its own version of the story and we get sidetracked and start to believe that the ego’s story is valid too.
The Course reminds us that our trust in God is absolutely the thing that save us from undue suffering.
When we struggle against what we see happening against us and we judge it harshly or even at all, we allow the edges in this ego’s harsh energy to penetrate us. It leaves us wailing over the pain.
The Course says that trusting God is always our answer.