Lesson 334: “What is the ego?” “Today I claim the gifts that forgiveness gives.”
The Course teaches us how to practically be most highly functional and happy.
We have the gift of forgiveness which absolutely carries us with enthusiasm and energizes us throughout our days, when we are willing to bring the miracle in the form of forgiveness all the time- or at least as regularly as possible.
The Course reminds us to be very clear within our minds that we are worthy of claiming, as everyone is equally worthy of claiming, the most extraordinary gifts from God all the time.
Forgiveness is that exceptional gift that provides us with all remedies to any mishaps we believe have occurred.
Forgiveness also completely heals our self judgement, and judgment of others, and judgment of the situation- the instant it happens- when we are willing to apply it to our minds in situations that look like lack of love.
The Course reminds us that we just need to simply and clearly state that we are worthy of claiming such a spectacular gift as forgiveness because God gave it to all of us.
We need to simply acknowledge that we are the receivers of the gift of forgiveness, and then, it is ours.
Because when we will something, we are simply acknowledging that it is already there and already perfectly within us now.
This means we just need to be willing to sit and feel it and enjoy it, because we don’t have to do anything to make this situation happen in our receiving forgiveness, because God already took care of making things perfect now and always.
The Course reminds us that forgiveness is a gift for sure.
We can forget that forgiveness is our most cherished and claimed prize unless we just sit and realize it.
The world’s stuff looks like our most coveted gifts because they all sparkle and glitter.
But just visualize our forgiveness completely enveloped in glitter, because it is truly the only gift that makes our human lives as close to perfect as possible.
The forgiveness reminds us that there is never anything wrong as we see things and in the way things look.
Forgiveness completely liberates us from those crazy ego chains, because it is a gentle and delicate touch we apply to everything, while knowing God is taking care of anything.
Therefore, we let everyone off the hook.
We allow forgiveness to be the light in our minds that completely illuminates all the dark corners within us.
We let forgiveness be the way we get ourselves right to God, and don’t allow any other ‘gift ‘in the world to get in the way- or any other person with whom we are in the cycle of attack because we perceived a fault.
Forgiveness is the blanket perfecter, and all we need to bring with us- with our grateful heart.