ACIM Lesson 334

Lesson 334: “What is the Ego?”  “Today I claim the gifts forgiveness gives.”

This lesson says, “I seek but the eternal.  For Your Son can be content with nothing less.” 

The Course reminds us to seek for more than we may have settled for in the past. 

The only problem we have had as humans is that we routinely seek for so little. 

We are always bargaining for and accepting less than we deserve. 

We just don’t realize how great we are, and therefore, why we deserve the best of the best.  

Our egos always make us believe we are not deserving of something truly spectacular and amazing. 

We get so jaded in our human experience. 

We get so agitated and we become vulnerable to believing things we are not meant to believe, because we have the ego’s voice screeching at a frightening pitch in our ears. 

We can’t help but to just let this seep in over time. 

Even if we haven’t had some major trauma in our lives, the reality is that the world is still totally chalk full of that insanity that occurs at levels that are intoxicating. 

It is so hard to resist the ego’s way of seeing things because we just sit and absorb all the idiotic energy and noise of the ego, since we are always present when it occurs. 

We just have to forgive this, and make lots of space for the gentle response to the ego. 

The ego often speaks harsh words in harsh energy, since the ego likes to perpetuate more of itself.  

We are invited to be gentle when the ego is all about its own survival, and not accepting less than full capture of our inner souls. 

The gentleness we can use to truly counter the insanity we see.  The gentleness is all the purpose and power we need to completely turn the situation upside down.

Just that little spark of something different is all we need to get to a new level of consciousness.  

Gentleness is God’s message in forgiveness. 

When we make sure our gentleness is in our forgiveness, then we can trust that God is in charge of that forgiveness. 

There will be no mistake because we have dedicated the forgiveness to God. 

We just need to give our forgiveness the latitude of being what God wants it to be, one of compassion and love and easiness, and rather, without demands that are ego-bred.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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