Monday, December 22, 2014

Lesson 356: “Sickness is but another name for sin.  Healing is but another name for God.  The miracle is thus a call to Him.”

Jesus wants us to find a way to be at peace with our health.  We are asked to not feel guilty when we find ourselves in the face of sickness.  If someone doesn’t understand the full picture of this lesson, they might be liable to feel that they have failed in some way if they find themselves sick.

We are asked to understand the fine line between calling sickness “sin” with a meaning that sickness is not meant to be part of our lives.  Sin is what we don’t want to do or have happen.  When we see ourselves as sinners we are separating ourselves from God in our minds.  We want to completely not follow the belief system where sickness is accepted because the possibility we could be sick is a complete error.

God wants us to understand that sickness is not meant to be in any realm of our lives.  Therefore, we have to understand this is such a wrong perception that we could ever be sick.  We have to understand that such a grievous error in thinking means it can be termed a “sin.”

Even though we see that sickness is “sin” we also want to be sure to not feel guilty about sickness when it does occur.  One of the challenges of understanding the Course is how to not accept that something is so wrong for us that we would avoid it at all costs like sickness.  Then, when we get sick, we need to be sure we don’t feel guilty about it.  If we think sickness is a sin we are apt to be quite distressed when we find ourselves in it.

This is when we need to apply a healthy dose of forgiveness.  We know on one hand that yes we want to avoid creating sickness in any way and thus, that we will classify it as an absolute “NO” on our “options” list.  But when it happens, we remind ourselves we just lost our way.  Health is our natural state within the God-Mind that heals us.  It’s never a problem to return to as it is always God’s will.  We have to just trust that God loves us enough to give us resolute commitment to living in full health and knows that there is no other way to think except this.  We need to be firm in our decision to not allow sickness to enter into our mentality.  And forgive it when it does.


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