Lesson 100: “My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.”

The Course says that we all have this amazing role to play in God’s plan for salvation.  The Course says that no one is better or worse than anyone else and since we all share the same energy, no one contributes to the collective whole of God’s energy an more or less than anyone else.  We all create the whole of the collective energy we share.

We are all inherently alike because God favors no one. 

In reality there is no difference between the essence of one person and the essence of another.  This is a beautiful fact, because now there is no reason to compete with anyone.

The Course also says that we all have a unique role to play in the world, in what is God’s plan for salvation.  We have unique skills and our own individual flavor of energy to add to the whole.  This is part of what makes the collective whole so spectacular because though no one is better than the other, we still all bring our unique gifts that we have cultivated within our own minds.

This is what makes us amazing because we have this way of reverberating that is totally our own extraordinary pulse. 

We vibrate in our own rhythm. 

The Course says that all of our extraordinary skills that we developed to carry us through life and allow us to thrive there is part of what we give back to the collective whole.

When we share our energy- and that includes all of us- we share that aspect that makes us the unique person we are.  Thus, we have a role in the salvation of God- that we do nothing but just show up because we are all part of the collective one that God calls the Sonship, and also simultaneously we add a flavor to this ocean of God’s to be uniquely ours.  This means we get to participate in our lives in a way where we develop our own extraordinary capabilities just so we can share them with the world where we give that unique gift that we call our own.  This is the way we do business in the world, or the way we raise kids, or the call we feel inspired by political activism.

We can do this with all that flair that makes us who we are and that we further some part of our lives that feels like an authentic expression of who we want to be. 

We can also be appreciated in the world as this person because it means a lot to our hearts.

Part of what totally matters is that we not get attached to the plan of God’s salvation.  God has a plan and whatever he decides to have happen, we need to learn to not judge.  We are learning how to train our minds to just accept what we see.  God has a plan and we need to trust that He manages the world perfectly regardless of whether we totally understand it all the time.  We just need to be sure internally that we are not pointing fingers in the world and deciding who to blame because this is an error in our judgement.  It is always our own judgment that is the problem.  We lose our peace when we stay focused on the judgement of what we see.  The ego complains and we make it a problem.

We need to sit back and get out of that judging machine because it is going to cause us real suffering.  The judgement we believe justifies our not trusting God.  The ego tries to make excuses.  But the solution is to stop allowing the judgement to seep into our consciousness.  We always need to trust God first and understand His plan is always the only happy plan and only the best plan there is.  The only problem is we forget to comprehend this fully.  That is when we struggle internally.

Then, when we can’t follow through on our role of playing consciously our role in God’s salvation, we are encouraged to not resort to feeling guilty.  Guilt is always the fuel for our own inner suffering.

Guilt is when we forget to forgive ourselves. 

The ego gets away with this a lot.

The problem is that we don’t feel worthy of being forgiven. 

Then our ego’s run wild with guilt -because they can- as we sometimes are not making clear strides to forgive our error.  We need to stay committed to our willingness to keep a guilt free mind.  We just forget how to forgive and we forget to remember that we are always the most important person to forgive.  We see our own faults so quickly, we so often get in the habit of letting the guilt run wild because we are inner witness to our own error and believe that guilt is the only way to respond to that error.  The Course teaches us that there simply is no reason to feel guilty.  That is an error.  Our work is to make this connection in our minds if we have not in the past.  Release the guilt because it is just a mistaken belief.


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