Miracles Lesson 83: “My function is the one God gave me, “My happiness and my function are one.”


This lesson says, “The oneness of my happiness and my function remains wholly unaffected by this.”

The Course repeatedly says that God wants our happiness with no problem. We show up to the world and be happy because God wills it for us.

The news always makes me so happy and grateful that God wants all of our happiness above anything else. God goes out of His way to explain in the Course that our function in life is happiness.

God’s Love for us makes me smile ear to ear from joy but also be so grateful that God wants all of us to be happy before anything else. God wants us to be able to smile all the time because we are joyful.

The religions I knew growing up said that God wanted us to be obedient, so we did not break the rules and sin.

Then we would be unworthy of receiving God’s Love because we would feel guilty when we sin, and this perspective of God was what I learned.

So I am so thrilled to hear from the Course that God wants us more than anything else to be happy, and that is why God declares happiness as all of our functions.

The Course’s perspective is the best news ever. Knowing that God loves us so much, he does not believe sin is real or that we are sinners, so I am pleased to hear the Course saying that God wants us to be happy because when we are then, we can and will remember that sin never happened in the first place.

So this is why the fact that happiness is our function means that God wants us to the best-case scenario in life, so we do not have to feel guilty or suffer over being sinful. 

Happiness brings us to a high energetically, and we are open to all that happens and do not resist. Happiness occurs when we show up to the present.

The Course says that happiness is our function, so do not forget to carry It with us. Take time and effort to see when we have gotten into another attack energy that is not happiness.

Resulting in feeling down will bring us down and is not meant for us. Do not forget to be open to God. Do not go there.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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