Lesson 110: “I am as God created me.”

This lessons says, “In this one thought is all the past undone;  the present saved to quietly extend into a timeless future.”

The purpose of our remembering that we are still as God created us is so that we have with us always a light and easy attitude where we rest in our certainty. 

Knowing that God loves us changes everything. 

Then, we let go of the ego attachment to pain and to being right and to clinging to having some other reality than we have. 

First we start with feeling and having our energy be aligned with God because we can when we simply acknowledge the truth the Course teaches us- that we are the inheritors of God’s reality since we are God’s chosen children.  Then we feel great as things are because we are connecting with knowing we are lovable.

This allows us to not be upset about what is happening in the present.

One of the reasons the ego resists the present reality and causes us strife in the moment and then painful memories as a result is because the ego feels inadequate and unworthy and so acts the part as well as being incapable of God’s high vibration of reality.  

When we simply sit with the truth that we learn here that God loves us as favored children, this causes us to not push against what happened in the past.

The Course teaches us that when we feel so good because God loves us, then we have no problem staying in the present and forgiving as we go because we feel so good. 

Then, the past is undone because we are not holding resentments about the past when we are free enough to accept the present as it is.

The Course reminds us to release that old attachment to the pain that happened in the past.  The ego loves to perpetuate this pain but we learn to let it go.

This lesson says that the present is saved to quietly extend.  This saving the present is a special connection we have with it.

We want to cherish it and value it and show up to be present in the moment.  

This is why we save it for ourselves to keep it for our safe use now and always. 

We save things that we totally cherish because we value them so much.  We may take extra effort in taking care of those things we save because we love them.

We are asked to simply remember that we want to approach the present moment with this enthusiasm and magnetic pull in being drawn to it. 

We want to give it all the love and devotion we can because we love it.  Then we take this wonderful relationship we have with the present and we quietly  extend.

Quietly is the key word here. 

What better way not to have designs on what the present will be or what the future holds? 

We want to get the ego out of the way of trying to steal the show in our minds.

We need to make sure we gently assert our intention to proceed in life because we need the holy spirit’s input to show us how to go, not rely on the ego’s role.

The gentle touch allows us to not force the ego’s will onto the present.


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