Lesson 139: “I will accept Atonement for myself.”

This lesson says, “This does Atonement teach, and demonstrates the oneness of God’s Son is unassailed by his belief he knows not what he is.”  

To “assail” is to disturb. 

This sentence means that there is nothing that can interfere with our connection with God and the love and power we feel as a result. 

God deems us worthy all the time and God enjoys providing for us in every way.  God is permanently the Father who takes care of His children.

This means our connection with God is permanent and fully in force.

God’s Essence is always open and His flow of energy and love completely supports us and takes care of us in whatever way we want and need.

The fact that our union with God is always intact- no matter what- is what gives us our certainty, and is the cornerstone of what makes us feel good. 

The fact that God loves us and favors us without fail is what allows us to be light and full of good cheer and have good will for all.  

We must learn to accept and get used to the idea that God is always the perfect parent and the best friend we always longed for. 

God always has our backs because God loves us.

All we have to do is get used to the idea.

This is actually quite simple because it is simply a single choice, to choose God without hesitation. 

This is as easy as it can get.

We must be willing to play our part and choose God as we go, so we get to share the day with God every day.  

We must trust in His constant great Will for our lives, and love it as it is. 

This is ideally the process we want to have and are learning to have but this takes time for sure because we are human and the ego resists progressing forward, beyond its own illusions.

The Course reminds us that we simply need to realize that God already has us in a a perfect relationship with Him which means our happiest dream comes true. 

We just need to appreciate that we simply don’t realize it because the ego is good at shading our minds so we miss some obvious points.

It can take real time and effort as we go because we are undoing our whole thought system through the Course’s teaching.  

This is a huge task and is daunting for anyone.

Just know that God is holding the truth about us in His Will and purpose. 

God knows the truth of us and we may forget because we have the ego’s unconscious insanity and we lose our sight for God. 

God is ever so gentle and kind and considerate about our forgetting. 

He is holding the image of ourselves right within our reach so we can step up and rejoin with the knowing we are children of God in the truest sense, while never being in any way ruffled by the fact we forgot. 

This means we are totally free from any suffering.


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