ACIM Lesson 334

Lesson 334: “What is the ego?”  “Today I claim the gifts forgiveness gives.”

Just do a little bit each day. 

When we feel tired and totally maxed out because we have so many other things to attend to, just forgive this.  This surely is the nature of being human.  We wear ourselves out from the dire straights in the world.

Remember that the Course says we won’t be weary if we give our minds to God. 

Just trust that whatever effort we can make will be enough to change our alignment within ourselves, and our joining forces with God’s will be increasing all the time.   

Trust that even if we just do the littlest bit every day of learning forgiveness and gaining clarity about how to live fully with a forgiven attitude this is exactly what we need to get to that place where choosing God becomes automatic. 

Just trust that God is on the other side of us, holding our hands.  There is no way that we won’t reach God and remember we never left God in the first place when we simply let it be already done.  And we allow God to have all the answers.  It doesn’t matter how many times we stumble, it doesn’t matter how many times we have to take breaks for a spell, God is still with us continually.  We just need to trust God to have a plan that suits us perfectly.

Imagine, that as overwhelmed or simply over busy we are, this still is exactly what God may have in store for us.  

Our job is to relax and know God has our backs.  God is caring for us in the deepest, truest way.

We make forgiveness our mantra.  

Even if we have not a clue what the Course is talking about in terms of gaining a fresh perspective on what forgiveness is, just keep reading or keep going to meetings.

Just do something.  This is enough. 

Just stay in conversation with God as a practice because from getting this connected energy from God, we can get the skinny on how the Course explains itself with a fresh perspective.

This lesson says, “Let me not accept such meager gifts again today.” 

Our purpose is to remember we are worthwhile.

The problem is that we don’t think we are worthy of getting such extraordinary gifts such as forgiveness and the Love of God. 

We simply settle for such less because the ego tells us at length that we are not worthy of anything eternal and happy and that will bring comfort.

Just hold our minds above the battleground because we are worth this effort. 


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