Lesson 345: What is a Miracle?” “I offer only miracles today, for I would have them be returned to me.”
The miracle is our gift to ourselves and our gift to the world, but it matters how we bring them.
Our energy and intention makes all the difference in the world when we bring miracles. We get to offer miracles to the world.
This is an offer that is completely free.
We want to not attach any of our ego’s ‘shoulds’ in the mix.
We don’t want in any way to feel like we have to bring the miracle. We are asked to never listen to that insane ego voice that says that we must come with miracles.
We are asked to speak within with the Holy Spirit and get an idea from our own inner prompting what and when we are meant to bring miracles.
We can completely trust the Holy Spirit’s vision because it is always correct.
We want to make sure we are bringing miracles with God or we have lost the whole point of it. God is the magic and the transformation of the miracle because it is God’s Essence that saves and transforms all within the application of the miracle.
Just let go and surrender any of that old ego pressure to bring the miracle to the world, this is a false solution because it is absent from God’s purpose.
The miracle is where we are invited to be light and conscious in the process but totally void of any other intention than the simple wish for the highest potential outcome where we are bringing the miracle.
We don’t know what that is so we are asked to get out of the way.
We are asked to grow our faith and trust that God knows exactly what He is doing.
We may not think the miracle looks like it has been fulfilled in the situation because the ego always judges everything as imperfect.
This is why we are asked to give God the permission to make the picture as it is. And we refrain from making and decisions about what it looks like.
We are asked to bring love in the form of the miracle and just show up to the situation and love it.
We give it space to be healed by God in God’s process and time, not the ego’s agenda, which always comes with judgement.
The miracle is the way to get to the good stuff, like a sense of deep contentment and peace.
We are asked to just be present and feel our love, however the application of the miracle looks.
Simple and always successful when we are clear of what we want to do.