Lesson 133 Laurie’s Reflections

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Lesson 133: “I will not value what is valueless.”

We are asked to use our emotional wisdom and give priority only to what is eternally valuable.  Jesus wants us to focus very specifically on God’s gifts, as love and certainty.  We want to know that nothing in the world can fill us with such peace and joy as when we sit with God entirely and commit our hearts completely to living within His grace.  This is why we are asked to simply consider deeply what our hearts can comprehend as logical.

We all have God’s wisdom within us no matter to what degree we are attuned to it.  Therefore, we can simply draw on the gentle knowing within that God’s energy and God’s purpose is the only thing that brings true happiness.  We have to simply see that this is so.  God wants us to live in the state of peace and in the non attachment to everything.  We are asked to understand that form and the world is in no way associated with God.  These things are temporary and do not leave lasting joy so we can just understand this.

Then we can stop being at battle with things in the world.  Because when we are trying to get them to be the source of our happiness, they are always and simply incapable of giving us this experience.  What happens when we get attached to the world is we have great expectations of everything being just so, and then we feel disappointed and upset when we discover this is not the case in the end.

We are asked to realize deep within our hearts that God is the only thing that will appease our wants and desires.  We have to understand that our desires in the world are not lasting so they leave us wanting invariably.  We have to stop making the world our go-to-place to try to get our needs met.  Because this always fails, we end up suffering over getting our hopes dashed that the world will deliver our desired dreams.  This is why we will feel terrible when we focus our mind on the world.  We are asked to simply see the truth of the world and then disengage ourselves from trying to find our peace there.

God’s peace is never fundamentally in the world.  This is why we have to release the world from this level of expectation.  Then we can readjust our expectation to fit the appropriate world- the happy dream of God’s perception.  Then, we can be in utter joy because we are at home and in our right mind.  We are no longer banging our heads agains the wall, trying to make the ego’s world real.


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