Lesson 323: “What is Creation?”  “I gladly make a sacrifice of fear.”

The Course reminds us that  we have absolutely nothing to lose in choosing God. 

The ego likes to associate God with the sacrificing of whatever feels frightening to sacrifice.  We usually get into a position where we believe that there is something we are going to lose if we choose God.

The world appears to have all these shining trinkets that allure us and we follow the world’s glitter with obsessive passion because that is what we know.

The ego always has this notion deep within us that says that we will be sorry in some way if we choose God because it may seem that we are also supposed to give up the world in the process as well. 

The Course gives us this amazing option of choosing God as our first and primary purpose, but then after, and while we do that, we can also choose what is happening in the world as well.

We must make a clear choice-  we choose the world’s events with the gloves of God on our little hands that do the work in the world.  

The ego’s main problem is that the ego confuses pleasure and pain.  The ego actually totally loses its way and has simply no idea how to tell them apart.

The ego, little by little, gradually brings in a bit more pain amongst our pleasure, and wholeheartedly claims to us that this is nothing but pleasure. 

We just are not clear enough within and sometimes we can not tell the difference. 

So we have a faulty ego who claims to be the one in control of steering our ships and this is an recipe for disaster.  Then, we end up down the line totally accepting a life filled with pain because we no longer have an ability to see the difference.

We just need to appreciate that the ego is steering us incorrectly.

We are confused when we notice what the ego is doing.  This is not something we want to continue to do because then we stay miserable since we are truly unhappy about it.  And realize the ego does not know the difference between pleasure and pain and love and fear as well.

Living with the ego’s strategies is a confusing job.  We just need to realize the ego doesn’t have a clue about what will truly make us happy.

Not being with fear within us is the most ideal life we can have, and we are are asked to remember that we are not losing anything in accepting God’s peace.

Fear is something we totally do not want, and often, we are confused about whether we are on the path to getting ourselves back into pain or pleasure.

We can do ourselves the favor and we remember we are lovable in our process of surrendering that old lust for fear. 

Just hold within some clarity about how we don’t want fear certainly.

We are simply asked by God to release it promptly- the moment we come to realize we are in the seat of fear.


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