Lesson 332: “I can give up what was never real.”

The Course invites to eliminate our attachment to things that are “bad” for us. 

The Course reminds us to even voice this intention with less charge emotionally, less judgement and attack energy. 

Simply release that attachment to worldly things more gently and say that those things are simply unhelpful. 

We don’t want to fight with the nightmare because when we do and we have lots of judgement amidst our interaction with it. 

Then, we give it actually more energy and more charge while we actually truly want to get rid of that judgement and energetic charge that we don’t want.

The Course invites us to be gentle with the world so that we deal with it delicately and we give it respect in the nightmare.

We are asked to be kind to it , as it surely is suffering- to be the cause of such distress.

The world is, in fact, calling for love, and it will respond way better and more quickly if we remember to hold our respect for it high in our minds and amidst our energy fields. 

We simply want to give the world permission to be what it is- without making it truly a problem so that we don’t exacerbate the problems already there.

The Course reminds us to be gentle with the world, but also clear, crystal clear that we want something else instead.  

This is the only way to get the ego to listen because the ego surely is the same as a two-year-old child and needs simply to learn boundaries from us.    

The child will see our helpful example in the way we behave toward that child and how we follow through appropriately, and be less afraid and resistant to our Godly process.

This is the only way to have success getting through to the ego.

We give the ego very specific,  and simple rules and we tell the ego the agenda and we do not steer from it.

When we do, the ego loses focus, and then, inevitably falls into some other pattern of disharmony.  This is not what we want surely, so the thing to do is to just be consistent and clear.

When we select for the ego what thoughts we truly want to have, slowly the whole of ourselves will listen to the guidance. 

What helps us so much, in the Course, is simply embracing that all of the world is not real.

That means that our attachment to the world then is far less when we remember to embrace this as the truth. 

Suddenly the drive to get things is dramatically reduced with a simple acceptance of this truth. 


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