Lesson 321: “What is Creation?”  “Father, my freedom is in You alone.”

The Course’s version of God totally liberates us from those old chains of constriction. 

When we live in the ego’s mentality we get attached to everything, and we end up making very dense energy within and around us because of this constriction.

Our attachment creates this energy. 

When we allow ourselves to be constricted, we also completely lose our peace of mind because we are focused on managing the constriction, instead of getting out of it and having it rather disappear ideally.

Our freedom occurs when we get out of that prison that holds us with bars and chains of guilt and shame and resentment and all the terrible feelings the ego harbors within us. 

This occurs when we think we are sinners and we did something wrong.

We all get stuck with that old ego attack energy and it totally blocks off any flow to God’s Love and Presence. 

That energy is dark and dense and difficult to change in any way.  The Course gives us the green light to get out of our hell.

We can walk right out of the prison doors because we hear from God that we never have wronged in any way at all. 

Every spot, every little bit of that guilt and suffering disappears without any thought or action.

We just let it disappear because God tells us it is unreal, and therefore, has no reality whatsoever.

This allows us to get to that safe place where there are no prisons because God has simply no use for them in our relationship with ourselves or relationships with God and anyone else.

I love that we get total freedom in our relationship with God because God gives us that feeling of worthiness and being lovable- that is entirely elevated.

Then, nothing continues to still block within us in our open channel to God’s Love.

We want to just know that our guilt and all the attack thoughts are gone the instant we just remember they are false and had no reality anyway. Then, suddenly we are bound by nothing.

When we smile at ourselves because we know God is smiling at us, then, we feel so good that nothing gets in our way of making the happy dream.


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