Friday, July 31, 2015
Lesson 212: Review: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “I have a function God would have me fill.”
Jesus teaches us here that we have our function predestined in our lives. We don’t have to try to figure anything out. We don’t have to try on functions to see which one fits. The one God gave us is the perfect fit and never has a moment of feeling awkward or suited to someone else. That is the sheer blessing of God’s incredible gift of a purpose for each one of us and feels perfect inside and outside. We get an incredible sense of peace and of levity in the simple experience of this function because it feels so good and is good for us in every way. This is the best gift God could give us or anyone could give us because living through this gift is how we live in total peace and also great joy.
When we live on earth and participate in the world, so often we feel simply wrong and distressed because we feel entirely out of comfort with what we perceive is happening. This is incredibly difficult for us to endure throughout our lives and continues when we keep our ego in control of our days. This is why God’s gift of our function is simply out of this world in terms of making us happy and content.
When we get such an incredible function and thus have God led direction in our lives then we stop being at war within ourselves. The ego often has conflicting goals in the world. And this invariably makes us ineffective in the world and also makes us live in a sense of strife because we feel so wrong and out of sync with ourselves. This is why God’s giving us a clear and pure purpose with which to function radically changes our experience of living in the world. This is a gift beyond measure because we can in fact enjoy the crazy world while we live here and find peace even what seems like insanity.
This lesson says, “Only the function God has given me can offer freedom.” This is ever so true. Jesus is saying that our knowing our function gives us an entirely new perspective in the life we are living. We are not stuck with the anxiety of not knowing what our function is. Our function is one of the most fundamental parts of how we live and who we are and who we become in our lives. The function is ever so important. If we know what it is then we have a solid part of what makes up our foundation. We don’t need to look around for it. It is already there. This is why then we have a sense of freedom because we are no longer focused on trying to figure out how to proceed in life. When we know our function we can just go forward because we know what we are going for with this clear vision of purpose.