Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lesson 27: “Above all else I want to see.”

We are learning that above all else we must make a commitment to see above the battleground and above the fray and be united with God instead.  Our ability to perceive is what brings us dancing to heaven or makes us perish in the grips of hell.  What we perceive makes how we live our moment to moment existence.

We have to be willing to make the effort to open our eyes in truth.  I don’t mean the body’s eyes, as they are often misleading us into another elaborate story in the worldly illusion.  We have to let go of our eye’s images and the way we perceive this information.  It’s misleading at best and disastrous for our peace of mind at worst.

We just have to be willing to stop our practice of seeing the world’s vision with acceptance and glee.  We have to realize any bit of joy it shows us is just temporary and insignificant.  We have to know that we have the capacity to see in this life with God’s vision.  This is the way straight to paradise.  We just have to be willing to play our part at being a vigilant chooser of the reality that gives us certain peace.

We have to be willing to exercise our capacity to see from our inner eye, or God’s eye and then strengthen this within us because we make it a practice.  This is the way to actively play the role that God has chosen for us when we are willing to see with the vision of forgiveness.


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