ACIM Lesson 2

Lesson 2: “I have given everything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) all the meaning that it has for me.”

 The Course reminds us to not omit certain things nor focus on anything in particular. 

The Course asks us to practice being indiscriminate.  Just show up and do the steps in the lesson.

We learn to be nonjudgemental in the process of learning how to see when we judge things and omit them in our practicing, this is how our egos get to be part of this process. 

The ego likes to pick and choose, because the ego is inherently judgmental. 

The Course wants us rather to do this strictly with God.  

When omit certain things, then in truth we are saying that whatever thing we omit is special and not appropriate for us to learn how to deal with it in the worldly examples.  But if we don’t, we end up missing the opportunity to apply this lesson to all things we see in the world.  This works to help us apply the Course’s teaching to everything when we do the Course as it asks.

This is why we are asked to forgive ourselves when we forget or deem it annoying.

We are asked to miss nothing, but also not get obsessive in the process in reining in our over thinking mind- where we get overly focused on something.

When we do, this is an intense, rigid energy of the ego.

This is a dense and dark energy, and the Course teaches us rather to do everything with lightness. 

Because when we do, our minds fare so, so much better down the line.  This lightness the Course teaches us literally becomes our bodies and minds down the line because all energy becomes form.

Therefore. we want to make every effort to not just do these exercises, but to realize when we do, we can be light in our hearts, minds, and bodies throughout the process.

We want to practice in lightness, where we feel no stress, no overbearing or controlling energy of the ego. 

Then, when we do this lesson, let’s allow our minds to have a delicate touch about everything we see, and apply with non-attachment and non-judgement.


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