Lesson 228: “What is forgiveness?” “God has condemned me not. No more do I.”
“This lesson says, “Or shall I take His Word for what I am, since He is my Creator, and the One Who knows the true condition of His Son?”
God is saying that we are perfect, totally amazing, and infinitely powerful exactly as we are now.
That can feel so liberating. It is just crazy hard to believe!
When we listen to our egos, we end up with just a little bit of insanity, to say the least.
The ego goes on exhaustively about all the nasty little tiny details we failed to attend to and heal.
The ego makes believe the worst about ourselves because it is an easy sell.
This is the only thing the ego is actually good at. The ego makes its own private, twisted capacity for convincing seem like the most natural thing in the world.
We just need to stop that moment of insanity where we forget to speak up for ourselves.
We may not know how to speak up for ourselves in the first place, so starting there is fine. Just stand up and do our best.
And we can ask God and the Holy Spirit to not miss a second of the interaction. We can trust that they are there, being helpful because that is what they do.
As long as we take a moment and realize that God is there giving us all the correct direction, then we can sit back and relax, while we do whatever we do, instead of worrying about it.
Just simply removing ourselves from that moment of attack energy exuding rom our minds and energy fields (which throws us out readily from the flow of Love) is worth doing.
Don’t miss a second of being in the correct alignment with God’s Energy and Purpose.
I think just knowing the truth about how God feels about us, and the extent of His passion and Love and kindness for us is enough to be the fuel that propels us forward, with lightness a plenty.
When we have those moments where we are lagging in energy or conviction to complete our task, just sit and say something like this- the truth of how God feels about each and every one of us is the best support to help us sail through the day with a light heart.
The Course explains at length about how much God Loves us, so we can just enjoy this truth, and allow it to bring us exactly where we need to go.
It is definitely one of those truths and realities that we definitely need to continue to remind ourselves of because it is so spectacular…
God wants us to party, and have the best time, because He understands and knows we are sinless and perfect for the plan of our lives. We just need to take this in more deeply, because it is a radical shift from that which we understood about ourselves previously.
God wants us to say it with gusto, and just sit and know how extraordinary this is. God wants us to party and lead happy, easy lives because God Wills us to be so.
There is nothing else to say about anything. That resolves every last problem, no matter what they look like.
Let’s follow to -a-T God’s message and Purpose, and be willing to integrate this truth about ourselves. We just need to infuse this into our consciousness, every waking moment.
This is how all the fun starts, and it is also how we get anything that feels like work done.
We remember that with the certainty of knowing the true nature of God’s Love for us, then we can do everything, with our evident certainty and easiness, because we are assured of our permanent lovability.
We can just do what we need to do, with Love and forgiveness- alive in our hearts and minds.
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncture and be assured that all is well in our process.