Lesson 137: “When I am healed I am not healed alone.”  

This lesson affirms, “But healing is his own decision to be one again, and to accept his Self with Its parts intact and unassailed…Just as forgiveness overlooks all sins that never were accomplished, healing but removes illusions that have not occurred.”

The experience of healing of our bodies or minds may feel really imperative to make it happen in the ego’s rule book. 

The body and mind all have their individual elements, which are full of trails at times, inevitably.

Healing itself can feel baffling, especially when we allow the ego some voice in our perspective. 

We just need to really tune into this, and raise our awareness about how our own individual healing can seem so difficult, and unreachable, because bodies decay, by very nature, and minds are always full of difficulties that seem also insurmountable. 

They seem simply just different, and problematic to the nth degree.   

God has given us a healing that always works. 

Just identifying with our Godly nature is exactly what entirely changes our state of feeling, and also our being healed. 

Just getting in rhythm with the reality that we are one with God, and one with our brothers and sisters, is all we need to dramatically alter our belief and experience of being sick. 

And additionally, it often changes the sense of sickness in our physical reality, as well.  

God wants us to see things from His own unique perspective. 

He gives us the clarity of our connection with God’s Will, Purpose and Energy. 

Because there is no separation between God and ourselves, then, that means our health will be rocking- and great- as soon as we get our minds out that one limiting thought of being separate from God. 

This makes us as powerful as we can be- if it is true that we are all in union with God and all others. 

We get the goods of perfect health instantly, when we are open to just identifying as one with God.  

This is the most helpful information ever.  When we listen to the ego, who thinks that our bodies and the world are real, and that we are separate from God, we are in poor shape indeed- to say the least!

Just take stock of the reality of our own identification with the insanity of believing that illusions are true! 

Just really look at all falsehood closely, and invite it to be within us. 

Do not shut down this awareness.  Our ego habit is to see hints of it, and then, scramble for cover- to insert a layer of darkness and shadow over it, so it is not then realized. 

Then, we continue to miss it. 

The Course gives us gentle and kind instructions to see all of the stuff we bury way, way down deep. 

We are invited to give it just an initiation of a gentle prod, of simply looking at it. 

We are always given the way out of the nightmare, but we just need to be open to getting on board with our escape from the nightmare, through being willing to simply accept the truth of how things are. 

This can be shocking.  The degree to which we are crazy is crazy!!!!!  No question we are crazy!!

God is giving us the opportunity to get right back to the happy and easy life, as long as we just acknowledge that His sacred, and appropriate ideas, are not only right, but they also correct our errors in thinking.

We just need to be willing to do our own participation in the unlocking of the real world as God deems it,- and the real Self as we are, as God deems us.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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