Forgiveness redefined:

The true definition of forgiveness is in synch with something unexpected, to say the least.

Our old definition of forgiveness is where we thought forgiveness was always a chore we were required to do to get favor with the person involved, or to get favor with God. 

When we think sin is real, then forgiveness is something we have to do to advance beyond the ideas that we need to forgive or we will be sent to the dungeon.  

We used to believe forgiveness was something we had to do to make the situation better, believing that we were inconvenienced by the person who did the misdeed.

Whenever we think anyone has sinned, including ourselves, then the errors simply take on form. 

We project our thinking onto the world, and then this is how form is made, from our own thinking, and we must to realize this first. 

Everything about living in the world as humans  drastically changes when we are willing to accept that sin is not real.  

When sin needs to be forgiven, it is too hard to release this old attack energy- that we have as a result of the sin. 

Because that sin energetically and even physically takes form, so we want to catch this before it happens. 

We rush to judge the sin, and judge the situation when we believe sin is real. 

This is the only way attack energy is created.  It is made when we insist that things are not perfectly good as they are. 

We are at war with what is before us.  That allowing the reality of sin to be real is what throws us out of the flow of God’s Love and perfect energy.  

We just need to take a step back the moment our minds start to acknowledge that sin is real, and then and there simply get into a mode of forgiving our own sin, and forgiving the situation, and forgiving the other person at hand. 

We forgive, and then we just sit with this a moment- that we forgive, and we see and acknowledge how the sin never existed in the first place.

This is the only way to truly undo sin, so it is worth the effort, even if it feels like a stretch of the imagination initially.

We need to sit in the awareness of sin not being real in order for us to have success at unblocking the flow of God’s Love and Presence, and we simply need get to that feeling where we know that nothing is wrong and so there is no reason to judge anything.

Accepting that sin is not real and that it has zero effects on us and the situation is exactly what we need to give space for healing to the situation at hand.

We may need to sit and digest more fully that sin is not real because it sounds far fetched. 

But this awareness is all we need to not put blame in the situation at hand, generally and specifically. 

Understanding that sin is not real allows us to be gentler to ourselves, and the situation because there is no reason to feel frustrated and angry about anything.  This is the benefit of that knowing that sin is not real.  

Forgiveness is the miracle of gratitude and generosity of spirit- it is when we wish well the other person, and feel like the other people are delights with whom to interact. 

Forgiveness is our right to our own freedom.  God’s version of forgiveness is the only way out of the nightmare because it is a feeling of easiness about what we see.  

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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