Lesson 242: “What is the World?” “This day is God’s. It is my gift to Him.”
This lesson says, “We come with wholly open minds.”
There is only one thing that God is asking us to do. God wants us to come to Him- unburdened by a cluttered mind.
When we live life, we end up with that accumulation of energy and thinking within, because the ego is not at all skilled at processing, and letting anything go.
Our egos are that crazy parts of us- that are full of unresolved issues, because the ego likes to just maintain the status quo- to obsessively cling to the same- within our minds.
God gives us one simple instruction- just come, and come readily, with minds that are available to touch Him, when He is there.
If our minds are full of old stuff, that is not yet resolved, then there simply is no space for God within us. Being open is the only thing we need to do to prepare ourselves for God. And we can do this- at any time- but we forget.
The only thing is- that we need to have the willingness to come to God.
God wants us to simply have the desire within ourselves, and it may not even be the largest desire- but just a little bit of openness within us, that then God can perfectly use.
God is there the instant we bring our own willingness to the picture.
God made us perfect, and gave us the gifts of our own volition, which is the most extraordinary talent that we can use- to start to make a shift in consciousness, once we engage with it.
God gave it to us so we can participate in choosing God.
God doesn’t want in any way to force us to love Him or be with Him.