ACIM Lesson 362

Lesson 362: The Final Lessons Introduction says, “Unto us the aim is given to forgive the world.”  

Forgiveness is our only function.  

It works when we make forgiveness our only outlook.

No matter how demanding or how challenging, we must let nothing feel to us like God can’t fix it.  

The reason we get overwhelmed with the notion of needing to forgive the world is because it may feel and seem so over the top difficult, we get so frightened of it because our egos run away escalating our anxiety. The problem is that we need to forgive the situation for being so difficult.

Forgiving this situation is what shifts us because when we forgive it, we bring the intensity of the problem way, way down to where it seems like a challenge- but something we can manage.  Forgiving it gives our minds a needed push of being able to accept it for what it is.

When we see how difficult it is, our egos get paralyzed by the intensity, and then, we often resist it in such a big way. 

Our resistance comes from the ego’s struggle not to be able to take the situation down a peg.

We are learning to let God be the care-taker for our minds.  When we see a difficult situation, we often jump to feeling upset about it because it looks impossible.

The Course reminds us that God is limitless. 

That means no matter how big the problem is, to God this is simply a matter of being able to breathe.

God can always fix everything- like we breathe through the day.  Breathing is automatic so we do it all the time even when we are doing other things.   We can continue to breathe uninterrupted because that is part of how we are made.

God is the same in that God is so powerful that His power has the capacity to heal and solve our life’s problems. 

Being ultra powerful is the basic nature of God and that is why God’s capacity to heal is limitless. 

For Him solving our problems is second nature; it is like breathing for us. 

We just have to get a clear vision of how God truly is and how He happily cares for us, giving us all we need to heal ourselves.

The beauty of our using forgiveness to heal the world is that we have something that always feeds the world.

Through forgiveness, we remember that nothing bad ever happens in the world and in our relationships.

Forgiveness is the way to totally redeem everything because when we forgive we accept with no criticism. 

We welcome our loved ones and the world and we are not harboring any hate or anger. 

We are given the gift of forgiveness because it is the way to heal the world.  Furthermore, we are simply vehicles to bring forgiveness to the world to teach ourselves how to be open to loving and joining with others.  We must be willing to make forgiveness our regular gig.


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