Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Lesson 188: “The peace of God is shining in me now.”

This lesson says, “Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes.”  This image speaks volumes for itself.  It is saying that our search for peace- the Light of God- is in fact a farce. Our egos think the mind is empty- it thinks we can never find peace because we always have a multitude of other things to do.  The ego keeps us busy so we never realize our search is futile.  This is an odd predicament for sure, because we become people who think the answer to finding peace is out there somewhere.

The Course teaches us that God’s Love for us is a constant.  We never have a moment where we are expected to go without.  God loves us so much that He has already given us the answer to our search for peace.  God would never do otherwise because God wants us to be filled with Love and have perfect lives in which to share God’s peace with those on earth.  All we have to do is notice what is already there.  This changes the ego’s activity list dramatically because the ego doesn’t need to do anything.  The only thing asked of us to to simply realize that peace and God’s salvation is already accomplished.  We simply need to be willing to accept it.

When we get the idea in our heads that peace is an outer search then we miss the simple solution God gives us.  The truth about achieving a constant state of peace is that it is a done deal.  We just have to accept that God’s Light is the core of our being.  When we just live in the consciousness that this is always accessible for us then we get to live in the elevation of God’s Purpose and Light.  We just have to believe through and through that His Light is our one and only mind state.

This lesson says, “To you, the giver of the gift, does God Himself give thanks.  And in His blessing does the light in you shine brighter, adding to the gifts you have to offer the world.”  This is a very balanced kind of relationship to have with God.  Lots of people imagine God as similar to a dictator- He gives the rules and doesn’t have the time or interest in having any kind of reciprocal relationship.

This is such a shame.  I think when people believe in a God like that they necessarily feel less at peace because they are guilty and concerned about what kind of punishment they will get.  People tend to chalk God up to one who simply wouldn’t think of giving us thanks.  They assume that God won’t make time to have that kind of relationship where God is giving us regular feedback and praise.  We tend to think of God as the deity with little kindness and gratitude coming back to us.

When we see God from the Course’s view we tend to have far more comfort about having an in-depth relationship with God.  We see God as loving in that way and interested in this level of minutia regarding our viewpoint.  I think of this as a whole other layer of emotional intimacy that this kind of gratitude from God brings into our awareness.  This we can use in our own connection with God and have stronger and deeper love with God as our Father.


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