Thursday, October 1, 2015
Lesson 274: “What is the Christ?” “Today belongs to Love. Let me not fear.”
The Course invites us to make every circumstance in which we find ourselves be simply an expression of Love. We can do each solitary little activity in our day as an abundant outpouring of Love. We can make the Love be the fuel that is the underlying intention in all of our decision making, in all our activities, in all our conversations. If we are making a grocery list, let Love be the ingredient in each meal plan and let it be the constant that we carry with us in our hearts and minds all the time. We often think that things like making a grocery list are not going to mix well with the untouchable Love of God.
We think that it is all very worldly the way our bodies select the items and our minds and hands write the list. We think that it is definitely one of the tasks that doesn’t necessarily go hand in hand with Love. We may be able to buy that our relationships are to be experienced always with Love but that other more physical activities definitely seem rooted in realm of hard reality. We don’t associate Love with this, as Love seems etherial- not with substance that we can measure such as store items.
But the thing is God’s Love is in no way limited in what it can do and in what we can include it. We have to simply hold that God’s Love is not limited as the ego’s love. God can be a vital and essential part of every last little thing we do. We just have to get out the way when it comes to grasping that God’s Love can be and is so superior to what our egos know. What we need to do is stop thinking we are right about this way we limit God’s Love. Just let it be ok that some part of our minds- even if it is a very small sliver- is simply the aspect that is open to the possibility that our assumptions about God are wrong.
This is the way we can become open to the amazing nature of God’s Love and therefore, get a clearer sense of how we can include God’s Love at every turn. This is then the way to our own experience of moment to moment Love when we start by simply allowing the possibility of this to be a reality in fact. When we stop insisting that we know how God is then we can start to accept God is actually as supreme as He is, and thus, is perfectly capable of having Love that can be included at each juncture.
We can be a believer now that God is truly God, and then when we let part of ourselves be open to this then allowing God’s Love to infiltrate each little part of our day starts to seem feasible. We can let God’s Love be the constant presence in each part of our day because we bring it as we are one of God’s beacons of light. Then, we can simply bring Love with us all day long with no moment lost to the illusion that anything was out of the rhythm of God’s energy. Then God’s Love casts out all fear when we make it a reality within us. Nothing can withstand the power of God’s Love and certainty. All fear becomes non existent.