Sunday, November 29, 2015
Lesson 333: “What is the ego?” “Forgiveness ends the dream of conflict here.”
The Course says forgiveness is the only remedy we need. We don’t need to hope for some other perceived miracle. Forgiveness is the miracle. Jesus says that our only true purpose is to extend forgiveness in the world. We see what looks like some form of conflict, we add forgiveness to it and whatever it is is washed away. We have to understand that conflict may come in many different forms. We may not even recognize it. It can be disguised as something that seems less noxious or less severe but it is still conflict.
What we need to do is not be convinced by the look of something that is temporarily not injurious. When it comes in its true form it is the essence and existence of conflict. We are encouraged to take a longer look. See it truly for what it is. Even if on the surface we are not reacting to it negatively. Still in time we discover that conflict is found in each instance we are off beam. We need to be willing to see the conflict for the challenge it is. We are invited to stand up and declare it for what it is. Don’t try to run from our acknowledgment of it because we are afraid we won’t have the tools to deal with it.
When we get stuck in fear of the unknown way to resolve this conflict let’s just sit in the certainty that God can direct us perfectly adequately about how to deal with it in a way that thoroughly resolves it. This means we can relax in the process. We can sit in the happy wonder of how God blesses us with directions for the process that we readily understand and also can accomplish with utter ease. This means we can completely erase and anxiety we are harboring because God is always there to show us the way to move. God gives us every reassurance that we heave all we need to proceed. The ego gets so frightened that it gets paralyzed in action in the trying to resolve any blocks we don’t know how to change. This is always our own source of suffering. It is our only source of suffering.
We are reminded here that we are simply in a dreaming state when we perceive conflict. The world of egos and bodies and death is all an illusion. All we need to do is simply get this illusion out of our minds and stop projecting it outward. The Course says that anything that is not God is unreal. The world is impermanent and therefore we can be sure it is not God. God is only the everlasting power in energy. Our worldly existence is simply a mistake in our perception. This is a dream that we will wake up from despite the fact that it seems so real. What we need to do is stop feeding this illusory dream from which we will certainly wake in time. We can live there and function there.
Simply don’t get attached to the world’s dream as it is not a real knowing like the truth of God. We just need to not focus on it in our minds. Show up and do what is best for the purpose of our happy dream but then step away from engaging in any deeper way there. We want to respect the world for what we can learn there but we also need to not pay it so much energy that it becomes more than a passing thought and experience. Let the world pass because it does- without clinging onto it with hopes of making it linger. Enjoy it for what it is and allow the memory of it to be one of gratitude for its blessing and then a gentle ushering away out from the forefront of our minds.